Exchanges & Returns

Important information when returning or exchanging

We always strive for all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase and therefore hope that you like what you have bought from us!

You always have the ability to make a return or exchange an item up to 14 days after receiving your order. In order for an item to be eligible for a refund or exchange the item must be returned to us in its original packaging and in the same condition as it was upon your receipt. All items sent back to us will be inspected upon arrival. 

As we do not offer free returns ro exchanges, the shipping cost of returning or exchanging an item are paid for by the customer.

How to make a return

If you want to return one or more items please fill out our return form here and we will get back to you within 24 hours. 

How to make a change

If you would like to exchange an item for something else, you can do so by filling out our return form here.


Repayment varies depending on the payment method and bank. We will send a refund as soon as we receive your return, this can take up to 10 working days.